Navigating the Festive Feasts: Stay Svelte without Skimping on the Mince Pies!

Staying slim at Christmas

I always say to my clients that what you do 47ish weeks of the year determines how you look and feel, not your holidays (as long as you monitor your weight post-holidays and adjust your diet for a few weeks after if needed, so that over the years the holiday and festive pounds don’t start to stack up).

With the abundance of roasties, yule logs, and moreish mince pies, it’s a season where our waistbands tend to get a tad tighter and I appreciate that for some (not all) it is still a time to be mindful though and not undo too much of your hard work from the year. So “IF” you’re trying to stay loyal to your diet (NOTE: I am saying “if”- do what is right for you) or you just want to try and get in place some damage limitation strategies, while enjoying the festive spirit still, here’s some ideas for you:

1. Don Your Dancing Shoes

Got invited to another Christmas do? Perfect! Instead of huddling by the snack table, strut your stuff on the dance floor. Not only will you burn off those pigs-in-blankets, but you’ll also have a laugh and, who knows, perhaps start a conga!

2. Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland

After that big Christmas dinner, rally the troops (or just your dog) for a brisk walk. Not only will you aid digestion, but a wintery wander can be downright magical. Snow or no snow, there’s nothing like the crisp winter air to make you feel alive (and a tad less guilty about that second helping of trifle).

3. Portion Play

Instead of piling your plate mountain-high with all the trimmings, try taking a bit of everything you fancy and then, if you’re genuinely still peckish, head back for round two. You might just find that your eyes are bigger than your belly!

4. Hydration Celebration

Remember to alternate those merry tipples with some good ol’ H2O. Not only will it keep those pesky hangovers at bay, but it’ll also help you distinguish between thirst and genuine hunger. Plus, no one will know if you’re sipping vodka or water, so you’ll appear the life of the party all night long!

5. Homemade is Best

If you’re hosting, why not try your hand at making some of the festive treats from scratch? Not only will you impress your guests with your culinary prowess, but homemade dishes often have less of the added sugars and fats than store-bought counterparts. And should it all go a bit pear-shaped, there’s always the local chippy to fall back on.

6. Embrace the Veg

While Brussels sprouts might have been your nemesis as a child, these and other veggies can be your waistline’s best friends during the festive season. They’re chock-full of nutrients, fill you up, and are low in calories. Roast them, steam them, or even sneak them into the stuffing; your jeans will thank you.

7. Savour, Don’t Scrooge

This isn’t the time to deny yourself all the deliciousness that Christmas brings. Take the time to savour every bite. Not only will you enjoy your food more, but you’ll also realise sooner when you’re full.

8. Laugh It Off

Remember, a hearty chuckle can burn calories too. Whether it’s Uncle Bob’s cringy jokes, or a classic Christmas comedy on telly, get those belly laughs in. They’re not called that for nothing!


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I am a Weight Loss Coach, successfully helping people just like you to lose weight and keep it off:

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